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ASSOCIATION of Wisconsin Artists 

1954-2025  Celebrating 71 Years!

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Clinton Public Library  WRAP-Kids 2024

About WRAP-Kids:

HISTORY: The year 2004 marked the 50th year for the founding of the Association of Wisconsin Artists (AWA). To celebrate, AWA, a non-profit, held the first WRAP-Kids exhibit in Prairie du Sac at the River Arts Center for children ages 5 through 12 years. It was a tremendous success. The board of directors decided to continue the program. Children’s art programs local coordinators have hosted children’s programs in Middleton, Milton, Madison, Mineral Point, Verona, Platteville, Janesville, Oconomowoc, Brookfield, Whitewater, Mineral Point, Clinton, and Argyle. In 2021, the board of directors started showing one or two pieces from each location for the first time at AWA’s State Exhibit. You could make this happen in your Wisconsin hometown!

PURPOSE: WRAP-Kids has three parts: (1) artmaking with the guidance of adult mentors, (2) exhibition and (3) artists’ reception.

RESOURCES: Art groups, organizations, or individuals who would like to sponsor a similar event can apply for AWA funding at Please allow 60 days to plan your event.

STATE AWARDS: In 2021, AWA started showing one or two-pieces representative of each location for the first time at AWA’s State Exhibit. 

Wrap-Kids 2024 Wausau

WRAP-Kids for Children

Wrap Kids 2024

Photo by Diane Palzkill: WRAP-Kids Mineral Point

The year 2004 marked the 50th year for the Association of Wisconsin Artists (AWA). To celebrate, the nonprofit held the first “WRAP-Kids” Exhibit in Prairie du Sac at the River Arts Center for children ages 5 through 12. It was a huge success. It was decided to annually continue the exhibit. Exhibits and workshops have been held in Middleton, Milton, Madison, Mineral Point, Verona, Platteville, Janesville, Oconomowoc, Brookfield, Whitewater, Mineral Point, Clinton, Blanchardville and Argyle.

Bridging Generations has three purposes: (1) art making, (2) exhibition and (3) artists’ reception.

Art groups, organizations, or individuals who would like to sponsor a similar event can apply for AWA funding at Please allow 60 days to plan your event.


  • Contour Notes and E-news
  • Website:
  • Timely Treasures, an event calendar (with dates noted)
  • A color catalog featuring award winning adult and teen art

Programs, events and recognition:

  • Regional WRAP management
  • Annual State Exhibit and Conference Weekend
  • Tiny Treasures Exhibit and Sale
  • WRAP-Teen (for ages 13-19)
  • WRAP-Kids (for ages 5 through 12)
  • Member Exhibit 
  • Awards from generous donors

Funding sources:

  • Tiny Treasures is an annual fund-raiser
  • Membership dues and Wisconsin Arts Board grants
  • Three endowments support AWA and WRAP
  • Individual and business contributions


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