1954-2024 Celebrating 70 Years!
Registration Begins: December 1, 2024. Entry and Payment Due: Saturday, February 1, 2025. (2 piece limit) Register & pay online here by clicking on the black REGISTER button on the left. If you do not wish to pay online, print this form WRAP Paper Entry Form or request a paper form from coordinator. Mail to Mary Ann with check payable to Association of Wisconsin Artists (AWA)
NOTE: Although this WRAP is completely virtual, the standard guidelines apply so that registration is open only to artists living in Wisconsin and neighboring states.
Artwork due: Saturday, February 1, 2025. Email artwork photos to inman_ma@yahoo.com Photograph your artwork without the frame or glass covering (if possible). Make sure you are sending the full size image (jpeg preferred) rather than a thumbnail with reduced resolution. Remember - your photographs are the only way our judge can evaluate your artwork, so do the best you can. Make sure in your email to identify the titles of your artwork.
Workshop: Saturday, February 15, 2025, 10:30 am - 1 pm Location: On-line. Zoom link will be sent to participants.Coordinator:s Rebecca Herb, 608-467-8594, wrap@wiscartists.org
Mary Ann Inman, 316 Church St., Clinton, WI 53525, 608-295-9779, inman_ma@yahoo.com
Programs, events and recognition:
Funding sources:
Wisconsin Art Clubs & Associations || Resources