ASSOCIATION of Wisconsin Artists1954-2024 Celebrating 70 Years! |
AWA/WRAP State Exhibit /Conference
Each year, State Award winning artworks from WRAP Exhibits around the state are exhibited at the AWA/WRAP State Art Exhibit. Also included in the Exhibit are the winners from the Statewide Teen Art Mentor Program (STAMP), Bridging Generations and over 300 Tiny Treasures. At the conclusion of the exhibit is the annual State Conference, "State Day." Evening with the Arts Reception & Celebration The evening before State Day a reception is held celebrating the State Exhibit and the artists. STAMP and Tiny Treasures awards are also presented. Tiny Treasures Tiny Treasures are 2 ½” x 3 ½” pieces of completely ORIGINAL art, no thicker than 1”, created by artists at least 14 years old. Enter as many pieces as you’d like starting April 1 through June 15 for a chance to win $150 for 1st Place, $125 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd and $10 for best title. Winners are also selected for the Timely Treasures calendar with $25 awards given for each month.
WRAP Exhibitions and Workshops The Wisconsin Regional Art Program consists of many artist workshop/exhibits that meet throughout the year statewide. Each WRAP has an artist demonstration or slide lecture and a judge to lead an afternoon educational critique of entered artwork. Artwork that receives a State Exhibit Award is eligible to enter artwork in the annual State Exhibit. |